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Categories of Spiritual Declarations:



Click on any link above to read a short definition of that particular type of Spiritual Declaration and a link to the original blog post.

Bible-based Declarations vs. Affirmations

The world loves affirmations—it's a buzzy topic. But it will go the way of all other fads eventually because affirmations don't work. They don't work because they aren't necessarily based on truth. And no matter how many times you repeat something, if it isn't rooted in truth, your reality won't conform to it and your mind/heart will eventually reject it. This is also why the over-spiritualization of declaring any old thing doesn't work either. Unfortunately, countless Christians have been led down that path by heretical preachers. Led to think that just because they declare it, it must be so (e.g. command this tree to be uprooted). If God doesn't want that tree to be uprooted, it ain't going nowhere!


Some affirmations may provide a "bump" in confidence because they have a kernel of truth, but you'd be better served investing time and energy into declarations based entirely on the truth the Bible provides, what God says about you, and what God has called you to accomplish.


Declaring the promises of God "works" or bears fruit because of God’s character. They’re not just words—they are rooted, watered, and guarded by the God Who Is Faithful and True.


In the posts below, I have examined what I believe are the main types of spiritual declarations and delved into how to practice them.

Declarations Scale

What Are Intercessory Declarations?

Intercessory Declarations are declarations used in the process of interceding for others. They begin with asking God how He wants to move or how He wants us to declare or what He wants us to command. Then, we simply declare as He says. They are more detailed, generally than other types of Spiritual Declarations.


Without Intercessory Declarations, intercession would be simply a long, tedious prayer list, hoping we'll hit the heart of God and pray the "right" thing. They require that we have a real and vigorous conversation (hearing clearly) with the God who heals us, declaring what He says to declare, binding what has been bound in Heaven, and ceasing when He is done. 


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How To Utilize Intercessory Declarations:


  1. (Recommended) Start with a Sovereign Declaration if direction and faith are needed.

  2. Ask God how He wants to move in a specific challenge or area, ask God for His heart, ask God what He'd like you to declare, who or what He'd like you to command, and what He'd like bound or loosed.

  3. Get specific!

  4. Declare, in the name of Jesus, whatever He says. Declare specific solutions, attitudes, the heart of God, etc. Command what He wants to be commanded. Bind (always in the name of Jesus) what He wants to be bound and loose what He wants to be loosed.


What are examples of Intercessory Declarations:


  • Sovereign Declaration to "live and not die." Declare: "In the name of Jesus, by the power and authority of Christ, and because the Father has declared it in Heaven, I declare that this child, _________, will live and not die."

  • What would you like me to command for this child's liver? Answer: For the bile to be processed properly and all infection to be gone. Declare: "In the name of Jesus, by the power and authority of Christ, and because the Father has given me the authority  to do so, I command _______'s liver to submit to the authority of Christ, I bind all infections and command them to leave, and all bile to begin NOW to process properly as Christ designed it originally."



What Are Mindful Declarations?


Mindful Declarations are similar to Truth Declarations in that both are based on the truths found in God's Word. They also transform our DNA. They both are usually destiny-related and identity-related.


However, Mindful Declarations are proactive, not reactive. Truth Declarations are "pulled out" to use in response to a lie that pops up in our minds or is spoken in real-time to/over us. Mindful Declarations are proactive because we feed our minds with the truth of them, letting them transform us, all day, every day. They are preparatory or equipping.


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How To Utilize Mindful Declarations:


  1. Select a few declarations and promises that are most meaningful.

  2. Memorize them.

  3. Declare them in the morning, when you are fresh, with authority in your voice.


What are examples of Mindful Declarations:


  • Through Jesus, I am 100% justified, loved, and made worthy to receive all of God's blessings. (Colossians 1:12-14)

  • With God, all things He has called me to will be possible. (Matthew 19:26)

  • I am my Beloved's and He is mine. His banner over me is Love. (Song of Solomon 6:3)

  • God will be faithful to finish what He has begun in me and in my family. (Philippians 1:6)

  • Since I am in Christ, I am a new creation. The old 'me' has passed away, and the new 'me' has come. (2 Corinthians 5:17)

  • My prayers are powerful and effective. (James 5:16b)

  • God supplies all my needs. (Philippians 4:19)

  • I am dead to sin and alive to live supernaturally. (Romans 6:11; 2 Peter 1:4)

  • My family and I walk in ever-increasing health. (Psalm 103:3, Isaiah 53:5)

  • My family and I live under supernatural protection. (Psalm 91)

  • God is on my side, therefore, I declare I cannot be discouraged or defeated. (Romans 8:37; Psalm 91; Philippians 4:13)

  • I am the head and not the tail. I have wisdom. I have insight. I have ideas and divine strategies. I have authority. (Deuteronomy 8:18; 28:13; James 1:5-8; Luke 10:19)

  • My faith is being strengthened to possess all that Jesus won for me. (Romans 4:17-23)

  • I do not have a spirit of fear but of peace, love, and a sound mind. (2 Timothy 1:7)

  • Angels are carrying out the Word of God on my behalf. (Psalm 103:20)

  • All attacks that were headed my way are diverted and canceled right now by angelic protection in Jesus' name. (Psalm 91)

  • I declare peace over my mind, emotions, body, and family. I say, "Peace, be still!" to each of these areas of my life. (Mark 11:22-24)



What Are Truth Declarations?


Truth Declarations are meant to be used as a weapon in situations where the truth is being suppressed or to counter lies being declared. They are reactive but require courage and a knowledge of what God says about us in order to counter the lies said over or to us. They are 100% based on the truths found in God's Word. They transform our DNA. They are usually destiny-related and identity-related, so it requires that we know what our destiny and identity in Christ are, in order to reverse and re-lay new brain pathways.


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How To Utilize Truth Declarations:


  1. When faced with a lie/negative declaration in a normal conversation or course of the day, such as, "You are always ___________." Graciously (or not) stop the conversation.

  2. Then correct them (if you can or it's worth it) by explaining who God says you are and how He is changing you.

  3. If you can't or shouldn't correct them, get away to a quiet place as quickly as possible. 

  4. Bind the lie spoken, in the name of Jesus, and break it.

  5. Declare that you do not agree with the lie and repent if you've ever done so.

  6. Declare the truth that God says about you (which requires that know what that truth actually is).

  7. When a previously embedded lie surfaces in your memory, stop immediately and go to step #4.


What are examples of Truth Declarations:


  • Sovereign Declaration to "live and not die." Declare: "In the name of Jesus, by the power and authority of Christ, and because the Father has declared it in Heaven, I declare that this child, _________, will live and not die."

  • What would you like me to command for this child's liver? Answer: For the bile to be processed properly and all infection to be gone. Declare: "In the name of Jesus, by the power and authority of Christ, and because the Father has given me the authority  to do so, I command _______'s liver to submit to the authority of Christ, I bind all infections and command them to leave, and all bile to begin NOW to process properly as Christ designed it originally."



What Are Prophetic Declarations?


Prophetic Declarations require a little more from us. These usually originate from prophecies given to us, and then we must verify their Biblical veracity. If we find they are Biblically sound, we should declare them as a part of our daily prayer time—and this is important—until they come to fruition.


This is very similar to reminding God of His promises in the Bible and declaring them over us and our family (which would be Mindful Declarations). In this case, we are also reminding God of His words given through the prophetic gifts in the Church and declaring them over us and our family.


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How To Utilize Prophetic Declarations:


  1. When you receive a prophetic word or if you have previously spoken words that you've let languish "on the shelf," research how the prophecy may or may not line up with scripture. (We know in part and prophecy in part, so not every word is 100%.)

  2. Declare the parts of the prophetic word that line up with the Bible, linking them to the verses that line up.

  3. Hold the other parts with an open hand, allowing God to do as He pleases.


What are examples of Prophetic Declarations:


  • If a prophetic word comes that says you'll start a ministry to evangelize and save souls. We can easily see where this lines up with God's heart and the Great Commission. So, you might declare that you've been commissioned by God to "preach the gospel" and you might say the Great Commission over yourself and any other verses that have to do with possessing God's heart and reconciliation to Christ.

  • As to the ministry itself, you might set aside prayer and fasting time weekly to ask for connections, vision, and resources. You might declare promises of God for those things, which God promises. How the ministry itself comes, you'd surrender to God.



What Are Sovereign Declarations?


Sovereign Declarations are decrees from our Sovereign God that require nothing on our part for them to come to pass. They require no consistency or dedication on our part as they are predicated on God's eternal faithfulness. However, they always unfold in God's timing, which can be frustrating to us.


One and done...they will simply come to pass. Our part is to 1) ask for them (if prompted), 2) declare them (if I hear them), and 3) watch for them to come to pass. What God says, He will do.


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How To Utilize Sovereign Declarations:


  1. When facing a situation or challenge, you can ask for God to sovereignly declare His heart or desires. This sovereign declaration would be made in the Heavenlies first, then declared to the Earth second. Note: These declarations ALWAYS, 100% of the time line up with the Word of God, 100%.

  2. Declare the Sovereign Declaration with full confidence that you will see it come to pass.

  3. Mark the day/time and continue to pray and fast, as directed, until you see it come to pass. And, even though it tarries. Wait for it. It always comes to pass.

  4. The caveat to this one is that if we are too close to the situation, it can be extremely hard to hear. Our heart's desires get in the way. It is good to surrender absolutely before you ask for a declaration.

  5. It is also good to remember that it takes time before the declaration might be made. Persistent intercession is key here. (You can ask God to declare strength and perseverance for yourself as you wait.)


What are examples of Sovereign Declarations:


  • A simple one is that someone will "live and not die."

  • Another is that someone or something will conform or submit to the authority of Christ.

  • Another is that the truth will be revealed.

  • Another is that two people would be reconciled to God or each other (this is always the heart of God).


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