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Of all the topics on which I've written, hearing from God and how to pray has gotten the most responses—the most questions, the most feedback, and DEFINITELY the most negativity. From Christians.


This surprised me, quite frankly. I figured at least Christians knew God still talked.


I recall an interview with Antonin Scalia, former justice of the US Supreme Court, where the interviewer seemed appalled that Scalia believed God still existed, spoke, and acted. The interviewer was quite sure no one of significant "smarts" still believed in that! Scalia set him straight quickly (which I thoroughly enjoyed).


A non-Christian's assumption that God no longer was relevant didn't surprise me. It's the Christians who don't believe God is still the same as He was in Enoch's day, or Abraham's day, or even Paul's day that surprise me. Still boggles my mind. Either He's the same or He's a liar. Simple as that.


To help combat the notion that God doesn't speak and to help us train our ears to tune in, I've compiled several blog posts written over the past several months and posted them above. Feel free to share!​

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