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Gracefull Abundance

Writer's picture: Cathy GarlandCathy Garland

Updated: Jun 8, 2022

The myth of balance is a pernicious lie that traps women (in particular) with a promise of peace but delivers interminable bondage and perpetual dissatisfaction.

I can't state that more directly. I've written on the bondage of balance before (here) and the juggling act it requires as we pursue fleeting moments of homeostasis. Instead of shedding burdens and roles to lighten our load, the pursuit of "balance" often leads us to coveting what other's possess or accomplish in order to acquire the imagined peace we believe they've grasped. If I could work out more... If I could have a larger house with more space... If I could afford a full-time housekeeper... (Okay, that last one quite possibly would bring a lot of peace!)

Instead of focusing on fulfilling the roles to which we've been called, we fragment our focus and our spirit withers. We end up accomplishing nothing well and everything with late-night guilt.

Most middle-aged women and young moms I talk to review their day with guilt over mistakes made and time spent on less important while neglecting the more important (most often family). They share how they are short-fused with their kids and husbands get the leftover us. I GET IT. I have been there myself (more than once).

Balance is impossible. It's not Biblical. And it's not even desirable.

You don't need balance. What your heart needs—what it craves—is REST.

To find rest, you have to make room for the One Who Gives Rest.

  1. Abandon all that the world calls you to and seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness (particularly in the mundane and ordinary service to family). All the things God has promised will be added to you.

  2. Set boundaries around what is important to maintain intimacy with Christ and allow you to abide in Christ.

  3. Walk in ONLY the callings to which God has called you. (If you don't know what those are, I've written a preliminary post on this topic and plan to write more.)

Don't pursue some mythical, (heretical) Hindu concept of divvying out equal parts of yourself to roles and responsibilities, then failing and living daily with regret. Instead, I invite you to surrender all that you are, all that you are not, and all that you ever hope to be to the One Who knows you best, who created you for incredible purpose, and calls you to THRIVE in him.

Grace calls us to life abundant.

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2 comentarios

31 may 2022

Exodus 33:14

And He( God) said, “My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”

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31 may 2022

Love your posts, Cathy. I can see how we shape our "vision" for our lives, shapes our perspective on everything, including how "successful" we fill. Surrender and rest can be achieved with God and the Holy Spirit and are completely satisfying. Thank you, friend!

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