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Gracefull Prayer

Writer's picture: Cathy GarlandCathy Garland

Updated: Jul 15, 2019

It's time we stop praying like the unfaithful.

In my time as a #Christian (more than 30 years) I have found Christians pray in the following categories - and if you're like me, in several, over the course of time:

1) There's what I call the "#Jabez or Yabez Group" whose list of "wants" is bigger than my Christmas list from the Sears Catalogue at seven, and little else.

2) There's what I call the "What a Worm Am I Group" whose prayers usually consist of a rehash of recent or not-so-recent mistakes and little else.

3) There's what I call the "Method Group" whose use of methods or tools is almost as important as reading their Bible.

4) There's what I call the "Tongue-Talkers Group" whose reliance on spiritual languages leaves little time for actually conversing in their native tongue (e.g. English).

5) There's what I call the "Intimidating Intercessors Group" whose maturity is desired by all but who has the time to pay whatever price they paid?

6) There's what I call the "If Group" whose every sentence is prefaced by "If it be your will..."

7) There's what I call the "Silent Group" whose prayers consist of silent assent to whatever someone else is praying or a quick prayer for food.

I'm sure there are more, but these are the main ones I see and hear. (And seven was a good number to stop at.) I'm being somewhat humorous because I HAVE BEEN HERE too.

When my husband first met me, he expected my father (a pastor) to pray some lengthy pre-dinner prayer, but was joyfully surprised at the brevity. I think he'd experienced too many "I-forgot-to-have-devotions-today-so-I'll-catch-up-as-I-pray-for-the-food" prayers (and was hungry). It was humorous but it made an impression on him. In a later season of life, God asked him not to pray for anything except the Lord's Prayer and just trust that God knew. I've been there too!

This post is not to cast aspersion on where we've been in the process or maturity of our prayer life, but to point out that we shouldn't stay there.

The goal of prayer is not rocket science and receiving an answer isn't difficult. There is only one thing needed: an ear to hear.

The heart of prayer is God's heart. The answer to prayer is God's answer. The words we ought to declare with authority are God's words and should be said with the same authority. A mentor of mine, Dr. Eva Evans, said "God's words are as powerful in our mouth as they were in His." Let that sink in for a moment.

Prayer is hearing the #heart_of_God for whatever the situation or need. Once having heard it, declaring what is on His heart with the confidence that Christ is praying for you.

It's 90% listening and 10% declaring.

#Grace listens and speaks what the Father speaks.

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Jun 06, 2019

Morning Cathy, Cheryl Stark here...What incredible truth! Sometimes there is value is speaking our prayers, other times there is value in sitting on a rock next to the ocean (or fill in your favorite spot) and just listening. Thank you for your tongue in cheek humor dispersed within some real treasure regarding our conversations with our Creator...

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