What does it look like to respond to the call of God?
In my last blog, I explored some of the responses of both the Israelites and particular Jews when the throne of the God of the universe descended by His grace, to reveal Himself for the purpose of revelationship.
As I contemplate those encounters with a holy God, it's exciting! And there have been times when God has revealed Himself to me in ways that are both inexplicable and life-altering. However, it's not like Moses turning aside to see the burning bush! I mean, there's clearly a huge difference between Moses receiving his commission to rescue God's people from Pharaoh and me—raising children, being a wife, and discipling women. Or is there?
I love the untamed, wild God of the Old Testament, but all that wildness and unpredictability would be somewhat exhausting to live with. It's one thing to read about God calling people in the Old Testament and even in the New to leave the daily, mundane, ordinary lives to encounter Him in the wilderness. It's one thing to read about the God of burning bushes, parting seas, heavenly manna, fiery chariots, etc. It's entirely another to translate that into my Western civilized life.
So, my question is: What does it look like for someone like me in the 21st Century as a mother, wife, and disciple?
What does a holy God calling me to "turn aside" look like? And what should be my response?
Maybe, just maybe, it's not quite so different from Moses' response after all.
When God called out to Moses from the burning bush—and much later, when God asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac—Abraham gives a single-word response: Hineini. Simply translated, it means, "I am here!" This is not a "here" in the simple way of being present at school during a roll-call but a deeper response, "Behold! I am here, on hand and ready."
It was the response God was looking for when He called out to Adam and Eve. It's less about location and more about spiritual "location" in proximity to God. "Ayekka?" God said. Adam did not respond correctly but Abraham did: "Hineini!"
Similarly, in the New Testament, Christ calls to us:
"Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly." -Matthew 11:28-30 (MSG)
It would seem that Christ's call echos the Father's call to come aside and learn from Him—to abide in Him, the Vine. This call, combined with the Great Commission, are as much Apostle Paul's as they are mine. (I just may not be going to all ends of Asia Minor but I am taking the gospel message of the freedom Christ brings to every hostage I find in my daily life.)
It looks like the question and the answer are still the same as they were in the days of old.
May grace enable us to answer: Here am I.
Note: God also answers similarly: “Then you will call, and the Lord will answer; you will cry for help, and He will say: Here am I. (Hineini)” (Isaiah 58:6-9)