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This book is for anyone who desires more of God and longs to see the church become the promised radiant bride.


Dr. Randy Colver's interviews with revival leaders (Brownsville and Cornfield revivals) of our time convinces us that anyone, anywhere, anytime can have a move of God.


The question is: Are you willing to pay the price?

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Revival is no longer an option for our country. Revival for the church in America has become survival in the tide of opposition.
- Pastor Steve Gray (Cornfield Revivals)
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My Story

Baptized in the Holy Spirit during the Jesus Revolution while in college for art, I never looked back. For over 40 years, I have devoted all my energy to furthering the Kingdom of God. I studied at Abbot Loop Christian Bible School in Anchorage, Alaska, and was ordained as a Teacher, in accordance with the Five-Fold Ministry given to the church by Christ in Ephesians 4:11. Out of my pursuit to understand God's word, I received a ThD and have written dozens of books and workbooks as well as scholarly articles. But the thing for which I am most proud is that all 6 of my children are serving God.


I have dedicated my life to teaching God's word because I passionately believe the church's grasp on Jesus Christ revealed in the Scriptures is what the world around us desperately needs. REVIVAL in its simplest form is the Revelation of Christ through the church to a dying world.


From Pastor Steve Gray
(Of the Cornfield Revivals)

Revival is right.

Revival is no longer an option for our country. Revival for the church in America has become survival in the tide of opposition.


I appreciate Randy Colver’s insightful look into “Sustaining the Fires of Revival.” He’s asking the right questions about revival. Anyone who desires more of God and longs to see the church become the promised radiant bride will glean from the answers Randy’s discovered.


His interviews with respected revival leaders of our time, many of whom are my good friends, add fire to the belief that anyone, anywhere, anytime can have a move of God. You just have to be willing to pay the cost.


Yours for revival,

Steven J. Gray

World Revival Church

Kansas City, MO

Book Excerpts

The flames of sin already run like a brush fire across this land. Unless we move quickly with sustained revival—to fight fire with fire—only a charred patch of ground will remain.

Dr. Randy Colver,

Sustaining the Flames of Revival

Additional Books Available

Learn how the Courtroom of Heaven affects your prayers as you join the intercession ministry of Jesus Christ.

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A workbook to help Bible students understand the revelation of the Kingdom of Heaven. E-book available via Barnes & Noble.

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So very important for today— explores the message of Romans for racial reconciliation. E-book available on B&N and Lulu.

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Are speaking in tongues and the other gifts of the Spirit for today. Or did they cease after the apostolic age?

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Discover covenant relationship, including covenant commitment, breaking, and the culmination of each covenant in the final New Covenant.

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We know the Christmas wise men, but do we know the story behind them? What if Daniel, the chief magus of Babylon, set the stage for their journey?

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Each theme that John wove into the fabric of his book will help us know our Lord more completely and share His message of life.

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